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Physical Education


At Burrough Green CofE Primary Academy, we are passionate about PE. We believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is vital and unique in its contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development and their health. We understand that all the skills children learn in PE impact positively on the child as a whole, inside and outside the classroom. In

PE, our children learn that through hard work, determination and resilience, you can achieve your goals.

We aim to offer high quality teaching and learning, where children will experience a wide variety of physical activities, both in and out of school. At Burrough Green, we unlock success by catering for all children, no matter their background or ability. All adults and children strive for achievement. Our aim is for our children to be competent and confident movers in a wide range of activities and games, including swimming (we have our own pool). We aim to give children the opportunity to move with technique and control in competitive situations, developing tactical thinking. We want them to be able to communicate, collaborate and evaluate their successes or losses, so they understand how to improve. Winning and losing is an important life lesson to learn.

We also aim for our children to be expressive and creative through dance. In PE, we inspire values and life skills such as: team work, cooperation, communication, problem-solving, respect, leadership skills, fairness and resilience. It is our aim to inspire and promote good, healthy life choices, as we want our children to enjoy being active now and in the future. It is essential that they understand the importance of being active in their life in order to maintain a healthy body and mind. Our ultimate aim is to give our children the skills and tools to lead a happy, healthy and successful life.



Teaching and Learning

At Burrough Green CofE Primary Academy we pride ourselves on the consistent approach to teaching and learning that can be observed across all phases of school. This is achieved through our commitment to quality first teaching on a daily basis. Expectations of staff and pupils are high, resulting in good or outstanding progress in all phases. There is a universal understanding of what the best teaching, learning and assessment should entail. These strategies are consistently used throughout our school, and it is the expectation of leadership that all lessons will include a variety of these to enable all learners to reach their full potential. Active learning is essential in all aspects of the lesson. All staff use the same terminology (vocabulary), so learners develop a knowledge and understanding of the different ways they learn.

At Burrough Green, we believe that quality first teaching in PE will include:

  • Challenge for all
  • Collaborative learning
  • Assessment for learning
  • Questioning
  • Progression within lessons and books
  • Learning behaviours

Curriculum Organisation

All children have access to 2 hours of high quality PE teaching and learning each week. In addition to this, equipment and activities are available for the children at break and at lunchtime each day and are led by lunchtime supervisors. As a school, we promote health and fitness through all areas of the curriculum and encourage children to bring healthy choices for snacks and at lunchtime.

All lessons throughout the school are taught as class groups (we have mixed classes). Lessons are taught by the class teacher or Sports Coaches for PPA cover will take the lesson following the long-term planning. Swimming lessons are taught by trained staff members in our own pool. Swimming lessons take place in our own pool and risk assessments are strictly followed to ensure safety.

The curriculum has been organised to ensure that children in both key stages have access to all areas specified in the National Curriculum and go beyond its statutory requirements. A curriculum map is followed throughout school, which teachers and sports coaches use to plan lessons which meet the needs of all our children. We are confident that children following our curriculum have the opportunity to surpass the expectations at the end of each key stage.

Assessment and Monitoring

The subject will be monitored and evaluated by the subject leader. Information about a child’s progress, strengths and weaknesses are recorded in a child’s end of year report.

As part of the learning process, children will discuss with their peers or a relevant adult the outcomes of their learning, its merits and the ways in which it can still be improved. This will be done on a regular basis and will involve:

  • Children’s conversations to help determine whether success criteria has been met
  • Conversations with teaching staff to help determine whether success criteria has been met

All of the above will support and augment the school’s formal assessment procedures.

Evidence should be collected for 2 children per year group. The evidence collected should be photographs and notes made by the class teacher or learning support. Evidence should be monitored by the Subject Leader. The teaching and learning of PE will be monitored by the Subject Leader and SLT through ‘learning walks’, according to the school monitoring programme.


As is stated in the national curriculum, all activities should be planned with the inclusion of all children in mind. If a programme needs to be adapted, then the teacher in charge will do this in consultation with any learning support the child may have and the SENCO if appropriate.

Health and Safety

Our teachers are fully aware that the safety of children in lessons is of paramount importance. It should be noted that in case of an emergency, phones are located within a short distance of all PE lesson locations and First Aid boxes are available. All children and staff must wear appropriate clothing and footwear during PE lessons. Asthma inhalers and other medication must be taken to the venue of the PE lesson (hall, playground, field, pool).


We aim for all our children to leave Burrough Green CofE Primary Academy to:

  • Lead a happy and healthy lifestyle
  • Be competitive and successful
  • Have a love for physical activity and understand its importance
  • Make good healthy lifestyle choices in order to maintain a healthy mind and body.
  • Work hard, aim high and be determined to never give up, even when times are tough.
  • Be able to evaluate their own performance and understand how and what they need to do to improve
  • Be a critical thinker and problem solver
  • Be a good communicator, collaborator and team player.
  • Respect and tolerate other’s views, opinions and choices.
  • Be creative and expressive.
  • Be a good decision maker.
  • Be competent and confident movers in a range of activities
  • Be able to link and apply the physical, mental and emotional skills they have learnt in a variety of situations.