Early Years Education
At Burrough Green we are committed to providing the best possible learning environment to allow every child to flourish and grow as they start their learning journey. We work closely with our families to develop strong relationships as it is our belief that, in order for children to learn, they need to be happy and feel safe. We use Tapestry, an online learning tool that allows us to communicate freely with our families, allowing them to feel fully involved in the development of their child.
Throughout the year we work towards the Early Learning Goals, with a strong emphasis on learning through exploration and play. Our classroom and outside area are well-resourced, giving children a challenge as well as the opportunity to practice and develop key skills in a way that is appropriate for where each individual is on their learning journey.
We have a mixture of Early Years (reception) and Year 1 pupils in Malala Class. This enriches the experiences of both year groups – the reception children have role models to learn alongside and the Y1s develop confidence as they become experts.
Our older children are "buddies" to our Early Years children - we are a family at Burrough Green, where our Christian vision and values are lived through all aspects of school life.
Transition into the EYFS at Burrough Green
We have very strong links with Burrough Green Playgroup and do activities and training together with them throughout the year. This helps them to get to know us in their safe environment as well as giving them opportunities to get to know the classroom and school.
For those children not in attendance at the playgroup, Mrs Leadbeter, our Early Years Lead, visits children who are joining us in their current setting during the summer term before they start. The children are then invited to spend some time in Malala Class during July so that they can meet the rest of the team and begin to feel at home in the classroom.
Please come and visit us - we would love to show you around our little school!